Louisiana REALTORS hosted a webinar on October 9, 2019 titled “RESET Louisiana’s Future”
This Louisiana REALTORS and RESET-Louisiana webinar reviews how the elections for 144 state legislative seats and for the office of the Governor will poise Louisiana for a change it has not seen in decades. How will this affect you as a REALTOR?
Participants include:
Barry Erwin is a Louisiana native who was named President of the Council for A Better Louisiana in 2001. Prior to this, Mr. Erwin served as a journalist specializing in state government and as a public affairs consultant focusing in areas such as education, health care and the judiciary.
Michael Olivier is CEO of the Louisiana Committee of 100 for Economic Development, Inc., a statewide business roundtable. Mr. Olivier is a Certified Economic Development professional and served as Secretary of Louisiana Economic Development to Governor Kathleen Blanco from 2004 to 2008.
Rudy Gomez is a consultant with Partner with SSA Consultants whose work includes research and project management for Blueprint Louisiana, a state government reform effort created and governed by a statewide group of business leaders.
View all our recorded webinars here.
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