Member Benefits

Savings designed with YOU in mind

Membership has meaning... and perks!

When possible, Louisiana REALTORS® will provide our members with discounts on services and products that we know will help REALTORS® succeed. This section in no way represents all of the options available for REALTORS® to take advantage of, but this is a start!

Healthcare Member Benefit Program

This comprehensive health benefits program provides customized healthcare support, access to a national provider network, and large group rates for members and businesses. Contact a representative at or 833-287-4765.

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Tech Helpline
Support Service

Slow computer? Printing issues? Browser headaches? With Tech Helpline, all Louisiana REALTORS® members have a personal team of tech gurus-for free! Save money and maximize your time by calling (877) 573-5604  for friendly U.S.-based support. Or download the new app available for Apple and Google devices.

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La Capitol Federal Credit
Union Membership

Louisiana REALTORS® members are eligible to join La Cap to enjoy its full range of products and services geared toward improving your financial well-being. With 16 convenient locations around the state, getting the financial help you need has never been easier.

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Legal Hotline
Professional Counsel

With the Louisiana REALTORS® Legal Hotline, brokers/office managers have direct access to legal advice without the hourly fees. Simply submit questions pertaining to real estate law and compliance issues, and you will receive professional legal counsel in a matter of days.

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UPS Savings
Program Eligibility

Louisiana REALTORS® members have exclusive access to flat-rate pricing with savings of 50% on Domestic Next Day/Deferred, 30% on Ground Commercial/Residential and up to 50% on additional services.  Members can also take advantage of UPS Smart Pickup® for free.

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LAR® Office Depot® Member Benefits Program

You’ll receive savings of up to 75% on the Best Value List of preferred products with free next-business-day delivery* or in-store and curbside pickup.** To continue to receive your member discounts, you’ll need to re-enroll or register for an account through our dedicated ODP site.

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Complimentary Industry News Subscription

Louisiana REALTORS® provides its members with a free subscription to RISMedia Premier or Inman Select. Combined, the subscriptions equates to a savings of over $500 per year. If you would like to gain access to this benefit, please e-mail, indicating which service you would like.

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The CE Store

Louisiana REALTORS® members have access to numerous online educational courses through The CE Shop. This benefit allows you to save time and money with one centralized location for your educational needs.

Louisiana REALTORS® has established an agreement with The CE Shop to promote online course information to consumers and real estate licensees. Louisiana REALTORS® is not the developer of these courses and is simply providing a referral. Any questions regarding course content or technology should be directed to The CE Shop.

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Realtors Property Resource® (RPR) Access

Wish you had access to hundreds of data sets on-the-go? With RPR®, now you do! As the nation's largest property database built exclusively for REALTORS®, you'll be able to view information from public records and listing data, demographics, psychographics, neighborhood info and more.

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REALTOR® Team Store Promotional Products

Promoting the REALTOR® "R" has never been easier. The REALTOR® Team Store allows you to purchase products like shirts, bags, pins, and more with the click of a button. With specific issues-related gear and customizable items, you are set for any event, holiday or just-because present you may need.

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According to a survey by NAR, the majority of home buyers report working with an agent they knew personally through referrals or recommendations. By claiming your profile, you can make sure prospective customers know you are a REALTOR®. Having a profile helps you collect feedback and reviews from your clients and helps you stand out in the market.

In addition to the benefits that Louisiana REALTORS® exclusively offers its members, there are many more that REALTORS® also qualify for through the National Association of REALTORS® Benefits Program like:


If you are a company interested in providing a service or discount, please contact our Communications Director, Danielle Edmonson

Providing optimum member resources

while serving as the advocate for REALTORS® & consumers.

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