LR Leadership Program

Leadership is not a position. It is a mindset and a way of life.

Take the first step

Louisiana REALTORS® recognizes leadership development as an essential element in the advancement of our Association and profession. The LR Leadership program is dedicated to broadening and enhancing our volunteer community and association leadership. This program provides a diverse group of REALTORS® with the opportunity to increase their network, knowledge and service.

Throughout the year, participants are required to attend a series of retreats that will help them grow personally and professionally. The retreats use personalized resource materials and group exercises to allow attendees to build their communications skills, as well as their goal-setting and team-building skills.

The program features prominent and stimulating speakers who encourage participation. Strong leaders build strong organizations. LR Leadership helps natural leaders unlock their potential, and these leaders become the backbone of Louisiana REALTORS®.

Who can apply?

Any member of Louisiana REALTORS® interested in the betterment of our Association, community and profession are eligible to participate in LR Leadership.

Please submit any questions regarding the 2026 class to

Laurie Whipp at

  • Lisa Packer

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2024 LR Leadership Class

Application Deadline was December 13, 2024. Stay tuned for 2026 applications!

February 5-6, 2025

Golden Nugget

Lake Charles

 Emergenetics & Meeting of the Minds Opening Retreat

May 5-6, 2025

Downtown Hilton Hotel

Baton Rouge

Leadership in your REALTOR® associations & legislative issues update

July 2025

Squire Creek Resort


Principle-Centered Leadership for REALTORS®: Unlocking Success through Values and Purpose

October 6, 2025

The Renaissance Hotel

Baton Rouge

The Power of Positive Leadership & Graduation Reception

Investment and Details

  • Tuition is $2,000.
  • Tuition includes training sessions, program materials and meals. Travel expenses and accommodations are not covered.
  • The first three retreats run 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the first day with lunch and dinner; and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the second day with breakfast. The final retreat includes lunch with an afternoon session and graduation reception.
  • All payments must be received before the first retreat.
  • Attendance is mandatory. Those who fail to attend sessions may be asked to withdraw with no refund of tuition or completion of program.
  • Application Deadline - December 13, 2024.
  • Questions? Contact Laurie Whipp at (225) 224-0723 or

Providing optimum member resources

while serving as the advocate for REALTORS® & consumers.

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