Know what personal information you have in your files and on your computers.
Keep only what you need for your business.
Protect the information that you keep.
Properly dispose of what you no longer need.
Create a plan to respond to security incidents.
This Data Security & Privacy Toolkit from the National Association of REALTORS® aims to educate real estate professionals about the need for data security and privacy and to assist them in complying with legal responsibilities. Included are information on federal regulations regarding data security, checklists of issues to consider, sample policies created by the government and the FTC's "5 Key Principles to a Sound Data Security Program," which is highlighted here.
Use these best practices to curb the risk of cybercrime in your everyday communications and transactions.
Use these tips to stay vigilant as you have been forced to adapt in an increasingly virtual world.
One way to prevent wire fraud from affecting you is to familiarize yourself with common practices.
Have your clients sign a document that outlines the potential of wire fraud in real estate transactions.
Add a notice about wire fraud into your email signature as a reminder to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.
What started as an exciting home search ended in a cautionary tale for real estate professionals.
The FBI stresses the importance of filing a report within 72 hours of the occurrence to attempt for best results.
Protect your business with a customized program created for REALTOR®-owned brokerages.
The information contained on this page and associated links are intended to provide Association members with general information regarding cyber security and wire fraud. The Association cannot warrant the accuracy of the information contained on this page and associated links as technology, law, and regulations are ever changing. The Association members are responsible for contacting their own attorneys and technology consultants for advice regarding how best to protect their offices and clients from cyber and/or wire fraud threats.
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