The 2023 Legislative Session began Monday, April 10th and will adjourn Thursday, June 8th. Over the next two months, legislators will debate over six hundred House bills and two hundred Senate bills with wide raising topics. The Louisiana REALTORS® Bill Review Team met to review and determine Louisiana REALTORS® position on almost two hundred of these bills with topics ranging from taxes, homeowners’ associations, and property insurance. Click below to learn about the bills Louisiana REALTORS® will be taking positions on or following throughout the legislative session. This service allows you to focus on your business while Louisiana REALTORS® focuses on opportunities and threats to it.
Louisiana REALTORS® will publish additional information regularly throughout the session so please check the website for updates. The Legislative Bill Tracker is updated weekly with the most recent update being June 5th.
Good news – the Louisiana Legislature is making headway on improving laws to protect consumers and move the needle somewhat on property insurance reform. Bad news - no one should expect property insurers to flock back to Louisiana and rates to go down overnight.
Bills moving through the process include those that would require endorsements and discounts for Fortified Roofs, prohibit assignment of insurance benefits, and improve Louisiana’s insurance regulatory market.
House Bill No. 180, Representative Matthew Willard
This bill would have required housing providers to disclose their criminal history screening or admission criteria in as much detail as is feasible prior to accepting an application fee from a prospective tenant.
Position: Oppose
Status: Heard by the House Commerce Committee; voluntarily deferred
House Bill No. 660, Representative Edmond Jordan
Position: Oppose
Status: Set to be heard by the House on Thursday, May 18th
As amended in the House Commerce Committee, HB No. 606 would do the following:
(1) Allow a residential rental tenant to terminate their lease if there are police reports for at least two violent crimes or drug offenses occurring on the property of a multi-family residence where the tenant resides or on an adjacent property if the rental property resided in by the tenant is a single-family residence.
(2) Prohibit a lessor from reporting the termination of a lease under proposed law to a credit bureau, but allow the lessor to pursue legal action to be paid the amount owed for the remaining term of the lease.
(3) Require owners or managers of all residential rental properties (single or multi-family) provide certain security measures including security cameras capable of obtaining clear footage of all property not located within the confines of building or structure of the residence and lighting of significant strength so security cameras can obtain clear footage of those areas.
(4) Require all owners or property managers of any rental property disclose to any prospective tenant the resources where data regarding criminal incidents occurring within close proximity to the rental property may be obtained.
While the bill has a noble intent, the unintended consequences and upheaval it would cause in the statewide residential rental market would result in crippling instability for lessees and lessors alike. Members are encouraged to contact their state representative to ask them to oppose the bill.
Find who represents you in the state House of Representatives here.
There are three bills going through the process that prohibit the sale or purchase of certain types of property by foreign adversaries. Louisiana REALTORS® is currently monitoring these bills, but this position may change as more information regarding the potential unintended consequences this type of legislation may cause the real estate profession and market.
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