Your marketing efforts should work for you around the clock, and around the calendar. During the time of the year when the days get shorter, and you have more things to do and places to be, that can seem like a tall task. However, the holiday season also offers some unique opportunities to stay present in the minds of your clients and prospects. Here are a few tips that you can use to enhance your marketing over the holiday months and keep your pipeline of referrals flowing into the new year.
Send Out Personalized Cards, or e-Cards
Keeping yourself, and your business, at the top of your clients’ and prospects’ minds is important all year round. By sending out holiday cards, or even touching base via email, you can accomplish this. However, you can really differentiate yourself by including a personalized greeting. Mention something unique about your relationship or experience with the recipient and be sure to thank them for their business and loyalty.
Client Appreciation Festivities
Everyone loves a party. This is a great reason to invite recently closed clients, current clients, and prospective clients to your office for a show of appreciation. These gatherings are a great way to enhance your relationships, showcase your accomplishments, and provide a networking opportunity for everyone involved.
Offer Some Stocking Stuffers This Season
While some ideas may seem more ambitious than others, if you find that time is slipping away from you, one simple solution is to stuff the stockings of the clients that you’ve closed this year, and those that are currently in you pipeline. These don’t have to be anything extravagant, a gift card or basket will do just fine. These special touches will not only be a nice surprise, but can pay dividends when it comes to referrals.