2024 BOD Fall Candidates

 2024 Louisiana REALTORS®

Board of Director Candidates

The Louisiana REALTORS® Board of Directors will elect six (6) LR At-Large Directors at its September 20th meeting. The following candidates have completed the application process and have met the qualifications to serve the REALTOR® organization.


The following applicant is seeking the position of 2023 President-Elect. 

LR Board of Directors will vote for one (1) candidate for this position and the profile below include the information as listed from the application.


  • Rhonda's Personal Statement

    "Becoming licensed in 2011, I not only began to become involved at the local level, but at the state level as well. In 2017 I ran for an open at-large-director position and was elected to serve. Following my passions, I volunteered to serve on the professional development, professional standards, and commercial committees / teams.  Several have reached out over the  years and made specific requests of me, including meeting with the Department of Health on issues related to rural sewer systems. Despite pursuing my CCIM designation, I have yet to submit my portfolio and sit for the exam. 

    Throughout the years, I have worked hard to build

    relationships across the state and encouraged  others to serve at both the state and local level. My firm belief is we all have talents, knowledge, and experience to bring to our Association and we are obligated to use those talents to serve others and give back to our industry. With the help and  encouragement of others, I have grown in my  leadership abilities and have a desire to continue to serve our members. It has been my honor to serve as Secretary-Treasurer this year."




  • Lacy's Personal Statement

    "I provide a unique perspective on Real Estate, the Industry, and its Proposed Future Direction. I currently own and operate LB & A, with the only debt being the Real Estate assets it owns. I operate a non-profit and complete the books, keeping in line governmental requirements. I also recently operated a Research and Development Laboratory in Mobile, AL. I have been Secretary/Treasurer for other organizations, such as The Baton Rouge Association of Real Estate Brokers and the Professional Business Network."



  • Ginger's Personal Statement

    "During my 23-year REALTOR career, I have found ways to serve and give back to my industry. My GBRAR colleagues can attest I have participated in every local committee, learning about our Association, before moving into the leadership positions, where I currently serve on the Board of Directors. I have taken a similar path in serving at the State Level and am now prepared to move into an officer position with the Board of Directors.

    My service on the LR Board, in the leadership of LARPAC, and the Executive Committee have given me a unique understanding of our State  Association. The decisions we make at these levels impact all members. Serving at the local level and my current positions with our State Association  have supplied me with a wealth of knowledge that will allow me to be a valuable member of the Leadership Team.

    Prior to embarking on my real estate career, I was a teacher in Ascension Parish for 12 years, having earned my Master’s Degree in Administration and my Bachelor’s Degree in Education from  Southeastern Louisiana University. My husband Neal and I are parents of 6 adult children and 10 grandchildren, with 9 of them 4 years old and under. In my spare time I follow LSU football, basketball and baseball."

RVP Region 1



  • Dax's Personal Statement

    "Dax Roy is a Louisiana state-certified real estate appraiser working for individuals and lenders in the rural parishes of Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee, and Saint Landry. He is appointed by the VA and approved by FHA, USDA, RD, HUD, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac to produce a full range of conforming appraisal products for mortgage lending. He is also a member of the Greater Central Louisiana REALTORS® Association serving on its Board of Directors as the Immediate-Past President, and past Chair of the Governance and MLS Committees. He was also chosen as GCLRA's 2020 Realtor of the Year."

RVP Region 2



RVP Region 3



RVP Region 4



NAR Small/Medium Board



  • Bill's Personal Statement

    "I see a great opportunity to bring the voice of the small association to the table. I would like to speak to as many as I can to bring qualiity questions and ideas to the NAR Board meeting sometimes, not through intent but through oversight, the small board gets overlooked. Many times great ideas come from small places. My motto is never run from a job, always roll up your sleeves and give it

    your best. I welcome any questions or ideas that could be brought back to the Board of Directors.

    Bringing my 48 years of experience to the table, I have ran into almost every imaginable situation and when we do I've learned, we don't always  learn from our successes many times we learn from our mistakes.

    My track record with my involvement with all of the associations speaks volumes. How could I not support the profession that has given so much back to me. When I think of PAC alone and what it does. Just thinking of the millions of Americans sleeping in their beds at night and not having to worry about their home ownership rights or private property rights taken from them."



  • Mark's Personal Statement

    "I love servering and networking on State level and National level with everyone. I still want to help make our board the best it can be.

    My Record of service and contribution shows that I love my job of not only helping customers but also my fellow realtors across the globe"

NAR Region 10 RVP Endorsement



  • Eloise's Personal Statement

    "I am seeking the endorsement for Region 10 RVP because I think I can be an asset to both states. My main strength is education and mediation. I have attended NAR's Mediation and Arbitration training in Chicago. 

    As a former Real Estate Commissioner, I have been able to attain information that comprises of industry operations across state lines. I was one of the Commissioners who were charged to asset the National Real Estate Exam.

    I bring over 30 years' experience in real estate as a Broker specializing in residential, commercial and

    income producing properties. As a train Mediator, I look at both sides of any situation. I understand and seek the best outcome for any situation.

    Keeping with NAR's mission of diversity, as your 2023 President of LR, I created a task force with the REALTORS and the REALTIST to bring both associations together. As a trained and  experienced instructor, I have taught many classes on Professional Standards and Code of Ethics. As a train Mediator and Ombudsmen, I have mediated and facilitated Ombud Hearings for my local association, other local associations in the state and also Louisiana Realtors."



  • Evelyn's Personal Statement

    "Having attended most NAR conferences for the past 25+ years and serving as a Director a number of times, I would consider it an honor to have the opportunity to represent my Region in 2025.

    I am dedicated to maintaining high ethical  standards of professionalism in our industry and have long srved on NAR committees promoting the same.

    I have studied NAR's issues for years and been prepared for each meeting. I have agreed and disagreed on occasion, participated and have always come to understand and promote the final position taken. I believe I have a significant degree of institutional knowledge to contribute."

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